Cold Weather Plan

19th November 2019
Cold Weather Plan

Please see below information about how we will attempt to contact parents with the result of closing the school due to bad weather.


In the case of a school closure:

Hazel Davey will make the decision after discussions with the bus companies before 7 am.

The three initial ways we will attempt to contact parents will be through:

  1.        Email, if this has been shared with the school.
  2.        Website -
  3.        PTFA Facebook group

If no contact has been made before 7.30 am – please assume that the school will remain open.

If you are travelling in cold conditions, please ensure every measure has been made to keep children warm and safe.


For quick and accurate communication, please ensure that we have the best email address to contact you on. Should you wish to be invited to the PTFA Facebook page, please email Tiffany on, with your Facebook profile name and associated email address (please note if this is different to your actual name).


The website will be kept up to date with any details regarding school closures, however, should you be uncertain, please contact the school on 681572 or Hazel Davey on 622863 after 7.30 am.


If you wish to be telephoned directly, as you do not have access to the above means of communication, this is not a problem. If you could ensure we have the best phone number to contact you on, we will include this on the plan.


We hope you can appreciate that this could eliminate time pressures and ensure that a clear message is communicated to each parent at the same time. However, should you have any queries about the procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact Tiffany or Hazel to discuss.


Best wishes,
