Early Years FAQ's

When is Chollerton Early Years open?

Session Information
Monday 8.45-3.15
Tuesday 8.45- 3.15
Wednesday 8.45- 3.15
Thursday 8.45- 3.15
Friday 8.45- 3.15
We are open throughout term times only.
What are the fees to attend?

Any hours beyond the funded entitlement will be charged at the following rates:

Half Day (8:45 am - 11:45 pm): £18, if they are to stay for lunch until 12:45 pm £24

Full Day (8:45 am - 3:15 pm): £39

Any ad-hoc hours are charged at £6 per hour.

Does Chollerton Early Years offer funded places?

We offer funded places, your child is eligible to receive 15 hours per week, Nursery Education funding the term after their third birthday.

Some children may also qualify for 15 hours of funding from their second birthday. For more information please visit the government website - HERE

food is provided throughout the day?

Children have the option to have a cooked meal provided by the school kitchen priced at £2.30 or children are welcome to bring in a packed lunch.

A healthy snack is provided each day. 
We ask for a contribution for snacks of about 20p per day.
Lunch and snack payments are made via schoolmoney. Please do not send your child in with cash.

Who is my child's Key Worker?

When your child starts at Chollerton they are assigned a Keyworker. You will be advised who your child's key worker is.

Each day your child attends the key worker will fill out your child’s individual play record. This is then put into their learning journal at the end of each week along with photos so you can see what your child has been doing each day.
Does my child need to be toilet trained before attending pre-school?
Your child does not need to be toilet trained to come to Chollerton. Your child’s Key Worker will do all nappy changes and help support you and your child during toilet training when your child is ready.